tisdag 8 november 2011

My backpacking trip last day

Hi! Today I am unfortunately going back home again. This day I will just travel all day back to London to take the flight from Gatwick. I started the day by taking an english breakfast to then order a taxi that would take me to the London express. The taxi cost 5 pounds and the express train about 30 poounds. I took a last  look at London before entering the express train from Victoria station to Gatwick. The taxi cost 6 pounds and the express train I had already payed when i came. When I arrived at Gatwick I found my terminal and checked in. I realized that I was pretty early and had nothing else to do than to order a coffee that cost and write this down. As always on airports the coffee had a chocking price of 4 pounds. Now I think I have to enter the aircraft. Bye bye!

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