söndag 6 november 2011

My backpacking trip day 3

Hey! Today was an even more interesting day. I started the day by visiting Madame Tussauds museum and took a lot of pictures of me and all the famous persons you can find there. I also went through the Scream house which was really scary. In the souvenir shop I bought a mini Big Ben to the cost of 4 pounds. Later I had a really good lunch in Soho which is like China town in New York. I had a chicken stew with rise and a coke. Soho is a very cheap place in London but I might have gone in to the wrong restaurant because the price of my lunch was 20 pounds. After lunch I went to the London Eye but I didn't really take the tour because the line was so long. Later that day I went back to the hotel and watched some TV until I went to the restaurant York and Albany which actually is one of Gordon Ramsey's famous restaurants. The steak i chose was really expensive about 20 pounds including beverage and a crème brule as dessert, but it was really worth it. I finished my day by going to the Emirates Stadium to watch Arsenal vs. Marseille in the Champions League. I had bought the tickets before I arrived to London because I knew I would love it. The tickets was not cheap it cost about 100 pounds but it was an experience of a life time. Tomorrow I will be going to Manchester and maybe I will be seeing Manchester United which is my favorite team. I hope there is a good match coming up. But I will tell you more about that tomorrow, goodnight.

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