måndag 7 november 2011

My backpacking trip day 5

Hi! Manchester United vs.Manchester City was the best game ever! It ended 2-0 to Manchester United, I am so glad because that's my favorite football team in England. William and I had really good seats pretty close to the field. In the first half of the game nothing really happened so we went a little before the first half ended to buy some snacks. We both bought one coke for 2 pounds and M&Ms that we shared both by eating and paying. So I payed half of the price wich was 2 pounds. The game had really many goal chances for both of the teams but unlycky for Manchester City they didn't have any good finishing touches. After the game we had really good luck finding a taxi, usually it is impossible to find a taxi after a football game. When I came to my cozy hotel room I almost fell asleep on the couch while taking my shoes of, but I managed to make my way to the soft bed to write this down in my diary. Now I really need to sleep. It is a long day exploring Manchester tomorrow and to meet new people. Goodnight.

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