måndag 7 november 2011

My backpacking trip day 4

Hi! Today I continued my travel to Manchester. I woke up at 10am and started packing. Then I took a last walk on Oxford Street and wich included one hour of shopping. I went in to the Ralph Lauren shop and almost bought everything. I bought a pare of chinos that cost 200 pounds, two sweaters that cost 150 and 200 pounds and finally I invested  in a black suit with a tie and a shirt. That whole set cost 1000 pounds. Then with all my new clothes i took the express train to Manchester. The train took about two hours and cost 30 pounds. While checking in to my new hotel I got a call from a friend of mine called William who asked how I would take me to Old Trafford arena tonight. (I had ordered tickets from Manchester United's home page earlier that day as they were playing against Manchester City, that ticket had cost about 150pounds.) I told him that I would try to take a taxi but that if it was a lot of traffic we could go by underground. But now I have to go and call a taxi for me and William to the game, I don't want to be late! Goodbye.

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