tisdag 8 november 2011

My backpacking trip last day

Hi! Today I am unfortunately going back home again. This day I will just travel all day back to London to take the flight from Gatwick. I started the day by taking an english breakfast to then order a taxi that would take me to the London express. The taxi cost 5 pounds and the express train about 30 poounds. I took a last  look at London before entering the express train from Victoria station to Gatwick. The taxi cost 6 pounds and the express train I had already payed when i came. When I arrived at Gatwick I found my terminal and checked in. I realized that I was pretty early and had nothing else to do than to order a coffee that cost and write this down. As always on airports the coffee had a chocking price of 4 pounds. Now I think I have to enter the aircraft. Bye bye!

måndag 7 november 2011

My backpacking trip day 6

Hi! Today in Manchester I met one of my probably best friends, his name was Carl. Carl and I had a lot in common. We both played tennis and our favorite tennis player is Roger Federer. He has brown eyes, quite a big head, brown hair and about 1.70 metres long. He also liked to play golf and has 15.4 in handicap. He promised me to come and visit me in Sweden when he had some kind of holiday. Carl came from Finland but was a really good english speaker and we didn't have any problem comunicating. It was his first day in Manchester also so we decided to explore the city together. We went to all different places. Such as the Manchester museum, the Manchester cathedral and the Manchester art gallery. Later we had a really good meal at Angus steak house. I had a pepper steak with green pepper sauce, french fries and a sprite. that cost about 20 pounds. After the dinner we went to a movie called Tintin wich is a movie about the old classic journalist tintin from a cartoon, the movie ticket cost 10 pounds. Then i came to my hotel wich had cost 550 pounds for four nights and wrote down the whole day in this diary. Now i have to take a shower and then go to bed. Goodnight.

My backpacking trip day 5

Hi! Manchester United vs.Manchester City was the best game ever! It ended 2-0 to Manchester United, I am so glad because that's my favorite football team in England. William and I had really good seats pretty close to the field. In the first half of the game nothing really happened so we went a little before the first half ended to buy some snacks. We both bought one coke for 2 pounds and M&Ms that we shared both by eating and paying. So I payed half of the price wich was 2 pounds. The game had really many goal chances for both of the teams but unlycky for Manchester City they didn't have any good finishing touches. After the game we had really good luck finding a taxi, usually it is impossible to find a taxi after a football game. When I came to my cozy hotel room I almost fell asleep on the couch while taking my shoes of, but I managed to make my way to the soft bed to write this down in my diary. Now I really need to sleep. It is a long day exploring Manchester tomorrow and to meet new people. Goodnight.

My backpacking trip day 4

Hi! Today I continued my travel to Manchester. I woke up at 10am and started packing. Then I took a last walk on Oxford Street and wich included one hour of shopping. I went in to the Ralph Lauren shop and almost bought everything. I bought a pare of chinos that cost 200 pounds, two sweaters that cost 150 and 200 pounds and finally I invested  in a black suit with a tie and a shirt. That whole set cost 1000 pounds. Then with all my new clothes i took the express train to Manchester. The train took about two hours and cost 30 pounds. While checking in to my new hotel I got a call from a friend of mine called William who asked how I would take me to Old Trafford arena tonight. (I had ordered tickets from Manchester United's home page earlier that day as they were playing against Manchester City, that ticket had cost about 150pounds.) I told him that I would try to take a taxi but that if it was a lot of traffic we could go by underground. But now I have to go and call a taxi for me and William to the game, I don't want to be late! Goodbye.

söndag 6 november 2011

My backpacking trip day 3

Hey! Today was an even more interesting day. I started the day by visiting Madame Tussauds museum and took a lot of pictures of me and all the famous persons you can find there. I also went through the Scream house which was really scary. In the souvenir shop I bought a mini Big Ben to the cost of 4 pounds. Later I had a really good lunch in Soho which is like China town in New York. I had a chicken stew with rise and a coke. Soho is a very cheap place in London but I might have gone in to the wrong restaurant because the price of my lunch was 20 pounds. After lunch I went to the London Eye but I didn't really take the tour because the line was so long. Later that day I went back to the hotel and watched some TV until I went to the restaurant York and Albany which actually is one of Gordon Ramsey's famous restaurants. The steak i chose was really expensive about 20 pounds including beverage and a crème brule as dessert, but it was really worth it. I finished my day by going to the Emirates Stadium to watch Arsenal vs. Marseille in the Champions League. I had bought the tickets before I arrived to London because I knew I would love it. The tickets was not cheap it cost about 100 pounds but it was an experience of a life time. Tomorrow I will be going to Manchester and maybe I will be seeing Manchester United which is my favorite team. I hope there is a good match coming up. But I will tell you more about that tomorrow, goodnight.

My backpacking trip day 2

Hi again! My first day in London has been really great. The hop on hop off bus was very interesting! You could hop off at any attraction and be there as long as you like and then hop on the next bus that comes within 20 minutes. I chose to take the red line today and followed it threw. I visited Big Ben, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. The most fascinating attraction was the Tower of London where you could see the old royalty jewels and Henry VIII:s real armor. You could also see the torture chamber with all the insane ways that they tortured people during the middle age. For lunch I had a big mac, french fries and some chicken nuggets at Mc Donald's which cost about 5 pounds. I ate so much because I was so exhausted after all the walking. After lunch I took my way back to the hotel to get some rest before I went to have dinner with my cousins who works and studies in London. They all gave me some proposals what I should do during my visit and told me that I had to go to the Madame Tussauds. So now I have something planned for tomorrow. Goodnight.

My backpacking trip

Hello diary it's Alexander. Today i started my backpacking trip to England. My first stop was London. I just came from the airport to the hotel. I started my travel to London at 8am this morning. I took a taxi from my house in Täby to Arlanda airport and took the 9.55 flight to Gatwick airport. I flew with Norweigan. The price for the ticket was 699 kr. When I came to the airport in England I took the Gatwick express train to Victoria station in London, which took about 30 minutes. I must say that  the train ticket was very expensive. The ticket costed 20pounds maybe because it was a round trip ticket. When I arrived to Victoria  station I took a classic London cab, you know the old black ones, and told the driver to take me to my hotel. When I came to my hotel and checked in I realized that the price for the room was quite cheap, bacause it was a bed and breakfast hotel. The price for staying three nights at the hotel was 500 pounds, including breakfast, and a hop on hop off bus ticket. The hop on hop off ticket seems to be ticket  for a bus with different lines like the red, blue and yellow line wich will take you to all the famous London attractions. But more of that tomorrow now i have to get a good nights sleep, goodnight.